Friday, June 8, 2007

A Few Flowers

I really do enjoy taking pictures but I also hate carrying around a camera. This poses a slight problem and greatly reduces the number of pictures that I have(their all on other peoples cameras). But anyway, here are a few I do have. I have found flowers to be a perfect target because God has already created them so beautiful that it is hard not to get a good picture.


Damien said...

amen (mr blossom blaster). i like how you shot them in all their glorious imperfection.

Anonymous said...

this seems to be alot of people's problem: no pictures cause they don't like the process. gotta do it anyway. trust me. it's worth it.

good flower shots though. really like the third? one i think. the one of the tip of the petals.

Sienna said...

keep carryign around that camera... these are great!

Anonymous said...

Erid, Grandma says "neat name. It pays to be smart and know what's in a name.